Iedere twee jaar wordt door een aantal partners (The Consumer Goods Forum, Capgemini, HP, Microsoft) de belangrijkste trens voor de zogenoemde Future Value Chain, in kaart gebracht. Hierbij wordt 10 jaar vooruit gekeken. Met het rapport ©2020 The Future Value Chain is alweer de derde versie opgeleverd.
In 2006 werd het rapport 2016: A Vision of the Future Value Chain opgesteld. Hieraan werkten 80 Executives in 2 global workshops (Utrecht, NL & Chicago, USA). De kernboodschap was toen: New Ways of Working Together.
In 2008 werd het rapport 2018: Succeeding in a Volatile Market opgesteld. Hieraan werkten 130 Executives in meerdere workshop: Global workshop (Utrecht, NL), Asian workshops: Hong Kong (Asian region), Mumbai (Indian market), Tokyo (Japanese market). De kernboodschap was dat belangrijke trends waren de veranderende maatschappij, de stijgende kosten van grondstoffen, sustainability en nieuwe business modellen.
In het 2010 verschenen rapport 2020: Building Strategies for the New Decade werkten 200 Executives mee in diverse workshops. Global workshop (Chantilly, FR), Regional workshop GS1 in Europe (Antwerp, BE) en diverse Country workshops: Australia (Melbourne), France (Paris), Netherlands (Utrecht), US (Chicago), Mexico (Mexico City). De belangrijkste boodschappen uit het rapport zijn: Make our business more sustainable (From niche to norm), Optimize a shared supply chain (Collaborate differently, compete differently); Engage with technology-enabled consumers (The consumer in the driver’s seat), Serve the health and wellbeing of consumers (Focus on quality of life). Het uitgebreide rapport en een slide presentatie is te vinden op mijn slide share space.
De uitkomsten van de rapporten laten zien in welk hoog tempo de landen in Azie bezig zijn de wereld economie te bepalen. Ik gebruik deze gegevens en andere trend analyze in de diverse presentaties over Innovatie en de toekomst.
Koen Klokgieters
Hoe creëer je meer ondernemerschap in je organisatie en wat is jouw rol als leider hierin?

maandag 28 februari 2011
dinsdag 15 februari 2011
Co-creation, beyond the hype
In ons nieuwe onderzoek geven we inzicht in de huidige status van co-creation, volgens de beleving van de FEM500 business list top managers:
"When a word is used too many times a year and the context in which the word is used broadens in every article, it is very likely that the management community develops a sort of immunity. There are multiple examples of management terminology being coined as fast as falling out of favor.
Co-creation, as a phenomenon, was destined to have a similar lifecycle. The question that arises in such matters, is whether the term was a hype introduced by some management gurus, or an emerging domain just struggling with its maturity. As we see the world now, co-creation is here to stay. No matter what you would like to fit in the definition, co-creation is the result of a broad and irreversible shift in the society and corporate culture. During the growth to maturity we wonder what is left beyond the hype. What is the essence of co-creation? Which forms of co-creation proved to be most beneficial for the initiators and participants? Which processes are most suitable for ‘outsourcing to the crowd’?"
"When a word is used too many times a year and the context in which the word is used broadens in every article, it is very likely that the management community develops a sort of immunity. There are multiple examples of management terminology being coined as fast as falling out of favor.
Co-creation, as a phenomenon, was destined to have a similar lifecycle. The question that arises in such matters, is whether the term was a hype introduced by some management gurus, or an emerging domain just struggling with its maturity. As we see the world now, co-creation is here to stay. No matter what you would like to fit in the definition, co-creation is the result of a broad and irreversible shift in the society and corporate culture. During the growth to maturity we wonder what is left beyond the hype. What is the essence of co-creation? Which forms of co-creation proved to be most beneficial for the initiators and participants? Which processes are most suitable for ‘outsourcing to the crowd’?"
Co creation beyond the hype global survey
View more documents from Koen Klokgieters.
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